Saturday, 10 May 2014

(21+) How the thugs killed Odessa inhabitants

How the thugs killed Odessa inhabitants in the Trade Unions House - the details of bloody scenario


According to one of the main versions of what happened on May 2 in Odessa, the Right Sector thugs performed a false flag operation. They put St. George's Ribbons (symbols of anti-Maidan federalism supporters) and organized violent provocation against Maidan supporters (i.e. against their own allies), in order to later then blame federalism supporters and make them look responsible for death of many people.

It’s clear that the number of casualties in the Trade Unions House is far greater than previously thought. Provocateurs captured people in the building where it was possible to kill them with impunity, great relish, and without any witnesses. The fire inside the building was directed in order to hide the mass murdering of Ukrainian citizens.

First of all, the tents on the square were set on fire which resulted in the appearance of a large open fire area close to the building. People were forced to hide behind the massive doors of the Trade Unions House. Federalism supporters had no Molotov’s cocktails prepared in advance. From where then, did the fire inside the building fire appear?

People behind the doors of the ground floor have been attacked by the Right Sector thugs who got in there long before the execution had started. Those people were burnt to the bones, first at the main entrance...Then at the rest of the building.

Firefighters only appeared when the massive entrance doors were entirely burned:

Only in a single room in a five-storey building with ceilings over 3 meters high had fire visible from outside:

Who could get onto the roof of an administrative building of nationwide significance? Perhaps someone who got the keys to locked steel gratings that protected the roof doors:

On the picture below - a stunt clowns plays a role of federalism supporters. Typical Hollywood (USA/Israel)-style false flag action (where you make an operation look as if it were carried out by someone else). These thugs must be found. They could tell a lot about when the implementation of the murdering plan did start, and how they brought the supplies for Molotovs cocktails in advance to the Trade Union House.

Charred bodies on the ground floor, near the entrance doors:

Why did the charred bodies appear on higher floors where there was no open fire?

The same bodies from different viewpoints:
- Wooden battery panel, wooden railings on the stairs and chipboard sheet don't look burnt;
- Blue oval points to the barricade made of tables, chairs and cabinets. It wasn’t even touched by fire, unlike the charred bodies lying nearby;
- From where did the barricade appear? It was built by the Right Sector thugs in order to hinder people from trying to save themselves by escaping to the higher floors.

Female corpse was dragged across the floor space from the real place of her death. Who and why did it?

This man was shot in the head. Judging from clearly visible blood puddle, the murderer fired at point-blank so the bullet passed through the skull:

Maybe you have already noticed that some dead people had burnt heads and shoulders only. The clothing under their chest is not affected by fire. Somebody poured flammable stuff onto the upper body of those people and set them ablaze. Could sunglasses stay on the face when a man tries to shake the napalm off his head? Notice that hands and wrists of those people were burned to the bones, too. 
On this and previous pictures, a strange “whitewash” can be seen on the floor. That is the powder from extinguishers used by the punishers after people died…in order not to burn themselves or suffer from carbon monoxide.

A young man and a young woman. They have been neither burned  nor suffocated – there are no signs of an open fire on the hardwood floor (the wood seems to be made 50 years ago so it should have caught fire as a straw) and soot from the smoke on the walls. They were killed by other means. Most likely, somebody broke their necks – entertainment for “professionals”.

Barricades were on the other floors as well. Blood on the floor. A burnt head.
The red arrow: it's possible that the killers were exchanging their clothes with the victims. Well known stuff, simple and effective.

A dead woman near the elevator with clothes absent below her waist. Most likely, she was raped, then doused with a flammable mixture and set aflame.

People shot in the head.

The same picture again: burnt heads, hands and shoulders, lower body untouched by fire.

Man with multiple head-shots.

The worst picture. Most likely a pregnant woman, who was one of the employees working on holidays, cleaning offices and watering flowers. She was strangled by an electric wire. She tried to resist as one can understand from the discarded flower on the floor.

The following video recorded how this woman cried and called for help while being murdered ("HELP ME! HELP ME!" cries start at 0:20).

… that’s probably her killer:

The sign of below demotivator that points on victim, murderer and the crime scene reads: “We off”ed Mommy! Glory to Ukraine!”. This demotivator has been joyfully posted by one of the Ukrainian "patriots".
Note: “Mommy Odessa” is an affectionate nickname for Odessa, similar to “Big Apple” for New York, or “Emerald City” for Seattle.

Future mother (strangled woman) and Mommy Odessa are killed. As is the whole Ukraine.

On the following video, an eyewitness says about more than one hundred victims have been killed inside the Trade Unions House (with English subtitles).

P.S. The number of killed people can be as high as 300. Most of people, especially children and women, were hashed with axes and clubbed to death with wooden sticks in the basement of the Trade Unions House


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