Thursday, 29 January 2015

Germany again helps Nazi

Correspondence between the Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine and TELEFUNKEN Radio Communication Systems GmbH &Co KG, Germany

Video of war in modern Europe

Only documentary evidence of the war in Ukraine. Europeans must look with their eyes wide open, because this war is on on the threshold of their homes. 

The price of "the Blitzkrieg" is heavy_CyberBerkut

 28.01.2015 CyberBerkut gained access to Ukrainian Military Attorney’s PC


In the Southeast the Armed Forces of Ukraine are defeated again. The adventurous attack of the Ukrainian forces in Donetsk was interrupted and totally wrecked by the militia. A huge group of the Ukrainian troops got into a trap near Debaltsevo. And it can be eliminated soon.
The price of "the Blitzkrieg" is heavy: during two last weeks the Armed Forces of Ukraine have lost 1100 soldiers, above 100 tanks. Dozens of soldiers and officers have been captured by the guardians of Donbass. Now these scary numbers are the greatest secrets of the Kiev junta. The leadership of the National Security and Defense Council, the Ministry of Defense and the President Poroshenko spare no efforts to convince public opinion of Ukraine that “there are no casualties”, “enemy is defeated”, and “thousands of terrorists are eliminated”.
But the reality is different: the forces are demoralized and surrender, there are no reserves, mobilization makes no progress, and conscripts run away to Russia and to the West. The leadership of the so-called Antiterrorist Operation is in panic, it makes crazy orders, forms anti-retreat forces in a rear, send unskilled recruits to attack highly-trained militia’s defense. At the same time criminal commanders are first to run from the battlefield and prosecutors make for themselves certificates of warfare participants and get benefits for it. Moreover, the population of the nearby combat territories suffers from deserters and looters, maniacs and murderers wearing uniform of the Ukrainian Armed Forces!

Below is the order of Lieutenant-General S.N. Popko, the first deputy head of the Antiterrorist center at the Ukrainian Security Council (the Commander of the ATO in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions). The complete document is published on the CyberBerkut homepage

The order of Lieutenant-General S.N. Popko, the first deputy head of the Antiterrorist center at the Ukrainian Security Council (the Commander of the ATO in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions).

EU will face the onslaught of Ukrainians migrants

Ukrainian population is more than 45.5 millions. Because of war people started leaving abroad in search of refuge. Even according to the bias data  of the UNOffice for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, more than 1.5 million civilians have had to abandon their homes due to the conflict in the east of Ukraine. According to the OCHA, Ukraine as at January 21 had 921,000 internally displaced persons. Another 600,000 have taken refuge in the territories of neighbouring countries, mostly Russia. 
Even OCHA have to admit that the majority of Ukrainians flee to Russia (very strange fact indeed, if they would consider Russia as an aggressor invading their country.  So, may be they know who the real aggressor is?). However, at least part of Ukrainians will try to break through to Europe. Video below demonstrates how it is going to look like...

The Ukrainian-Poland boarder when Ukrainians go shopping (and do petty smuggling, of course. Where else they can get money for shopping when Ukrainian economy is ruined?).

 video source:

Now, imagine what happened when male Ukrainians will try to escape the recently announced mobilization campaign? Is Europe ready to face the pressure of millions desperate people fleeing from war?