Saturday, 7 June 2014


This study covers the period from the end of November 2013 to the end of March 2014 and deals with the situation with human rights and the rule of law that emerged in Ukraine as a result of a violent seizure of power and unconstitutional coup. The essential task of this White Book is to focus on facts to which the international community and key international human rights bodies, as well as relevant nongovernmental organizations have not shown proper and impartial attention.

Just one quote from this White Book:
“January 19–25, 2014. Pravyi Sektor militants engaged in violent clashes with security forces on Grushevski St. Over 300 people (most of them police officers) were injured.”

…and below there are illustrations on how it happened in reality. Was Maidan protest as peaceful as it was presented by the Western media?
Video 1: Security forces soldiers (called BERKUT) were set on fire with Molotov cocktail by the Pravyi Sektor militants:

Video 2: Maidan militants killed security forces soldiers (BERKUT):

Video 3: The murder of a BERKUT soldier by the Maidan militants

Video 4: Maidan militants gouged out an eye and cut off hand of BERKUT soldier. When someone asked whether an ambulance should be called, the person in a white coat (Maidan paramedic) said: “No ambulance! This is BERKUT!”

Behind the every paragraph of the White book there is blood of real people. 
We shall never forgive Europe and US for their support of Maidan violence and Nazi coup in Kiev!

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov interview to Bloomberg TV channel, Moscow, May 14, 2014

About the last events in Ukraine 

“I think that the real aim of the United States is not let Europeans to go on their own and to decide on their own …  to keep Europe on the short leash” 

Monday, 12 May 2014

ODESSA 5/02: The Untold Truth of Kulikovo Field

byInternational Independent Broadcasting Corps
The first part of Odessa 5/02 documentary film, compiled of the extensive amount of video footage done on that day by various witnesses and investigated throughout an independent view point. 

Sunday, 11 May 2014

(18+) Kiev used Ukranian's National Guard to terrify citizens of Mariupol on the Holly Victory Day

Currently, Kiev administration conducts military operation in the South-West regions of Ukraine. We attempt to illustrate with video the course of this martial action. We shall also analyze how well the use of army in this situation agrees with the international laws.

International humanitarian law (IHL) comprises a set of rules, established by treaty or custom, applicable in situations of armed conflict. 
The two main treaty sources of IHL are the Hague Convention (1907), setting out restrictions on the means and methods of warfare, and the four Geneva Conventions (GCs) (1949), providing protection to certain categories of vulnerable persons. The Fourth Geneva Convention is particularly relevant to humanitarian protection and assistance. It was established to prevent in future conflicts the scale of civilian suffering experienced during the two World Wars. In particular, the Convention bans direct attacks against civilians.

“A civilian is defined as “any person not belonging to the armed force”, including non-nationals and refugees”  
 One of the International Humanitarian law provisions is the principle of distinction protects civilian persons and civilian objects from the effects of military operations. It requires parties to an armed conflict to distinguish at all times and under all circumstances between combatants and military objectives on the one hand and civilians and civilian objects on the other – and to only target the former (ICRC, 2005b, vol. 1). Another fundamental IHL principle of humane treatment requires that civilians are treated humanely at all times (GCIV, Art 27).

On the video below it is clear that heavily armed troops sent by the Kiev coalition turned their weapons on the civilians. Citizens of Mariupol were outraged by the killing, but the only weapon they had were loud shouts: “Fascists! Go away! Why did you come here? Go back to Kiev!” 

Video: (18+) May 9, Mariupol Ukrainian National Guard kills civilians

Video: (18+) May 9, Mariupol civilians get shot by Ukraine's National Guard

Video: Ukraine: Kiev forces open fire on civilians in Mariupol city centre
For  video follow the link:

Video: Barricades built by the citizens of Mariupol to prevent further destruction of their city were very feeble barriers for the military vehicle: IFV drove right at people

“After tanks, armoured personnel carriers and heavily armed troops were unleashed on unarmed civilians in the city, the Kiev regime claimed to have killed some 20 people. The Obama administration immediately blamed the violent repression on “pro-Russian separatists.” Read more: Mariupol Killings: US Backs Ukrainian Regime’s Reign of Terror

╢  Another established principles introduced in humanitarian law are the necessity and proportionality. Under International Humanitarian law, a belligerent can apply only the amount and kind of force necessary to defeat the enemy (AP I, Arts 35, 51(5)).
"In Mariupol, the police chief Valery Androschuk ordered the use of force [including live ammunition] against protesting citizens. Rank and file policemen told their police chief that they were unwilling to shoot at civilians. In response Androschuk pulled out his gun and shot one of his subordinates, seriously wounding him. Then Androschuk barricaded himself in one of the offices in the building and called for the help of the the National Guard (Natsgvardiyu). Those promptly arrived and started the attack. The building of the local police was fired upon from heavy weapons."  Readmore: Ukraine Regime Police Shooting His Subordinates For Refusing toKill Civilians
Video: Local policemen refuse to use their weapon against civilians; then  National Guard shot the building of the local police with heavy weapons 
For  video follow the link:

Was the use of the heavy weapon justified in this case? Who gave the vile order to kill the local policemen? Had the National Guard right to use the weapon against the police?


╢  The principle of non-discrimination is a core principle of International Humanitarian law. Adverse distinction based on race, nationality, religious belief or political opinion is prohibited in the treatment of prisoners of war (GCIII, Art 16), civilians (GCIV, Art 13, common Article 3) and persons hors de combat(common Article 3). All protected persons shall be treated with the same consideration by parties to the conflict, without distinction based on race, religion, sex or political opinion (common article 3, GCIV, Art 27). Each and every person affected by armed conflict is entitled to his/her fundamental rights and guarantees, without discrimination (API, Art 75(1)).

The military operation in Mariupol took place on May 9th, the Victory Day – the greatest holiday. Kiev administration attempted to outrage over this holy day. All day tanks cruised by the roads and militaries were scurrying over the city. Infantry combat vehicle knocked down billboards with the Victory Day greetings. Ceremonial processions and national celebrations ended in gunfire and blood.

Video: May 9: road laws by Ukrainian army tank in Mariupol

Video: Lenin’s street in Mariupol after several tanks and infantry combat vehicle passed along 
For  video follow the link:

Video: A procession of people celebrating Victory Day shout “Shame!” and “Fascists!” to the solders who were hiding behind the doors of the local military base


╢   Under the International Humanitarian law women and children are granted preferential treatment, respect and protection. Women must be protected from rape or any form of indecent assault. Children under the age of 18 must not be allowed to take part in hostilities (GCIV, Arts 24, 27; API, Arts 76-78; APII, Art 4(3)).

Video: Mariupol, May 9th, 2014: Boy, 12 was shot at twice when playing in the yard near his house. He is currently at the hospital in a heavy state. 
For video follow the link:

On May 9th, 2014 in Mariupol, Kiev coalition committed a war crime. Would it be a great surprise to see how many citizens came on the May 11th to participate in referendum for federalization? They don’t want to live under the ruling of the Kiev coalition. They want to form the People Republic of Donetsk!

Video: May 11th, 2014: A long queue of the citizens to one of the Mariupol polling place. They want to participate in referendum. People shout: “Glory to Mariupol! Congratulatons! Long live the People’s Republic of Donetsk!”
For video follow the link:

Saturday, 10 May 2014

The links between the new Ukrainian government and Neo-nazis

European Parliament resolution of 13 December 2012 on the situation in Ukraine 2012/2889(RSP)

"8.  Is concerned about the rising nationalistic sentiment in Ukraine, expressed in support for the Svoboda Party, which, as a result, is one of the two new parties to enter the Verkhovna Rada; recalls that racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic views go against the EU's fundamental values and principles and therefore appeals to pro-democratic parties in the Verkhovna Rada not to associate with, endorse or form coalitions with this party"

In the days after the coup, as the neo-Nazi militias effectively controlled the government, European and U.S. diplomats scrambled to help the shaken parliament put together the semblance of a respectable regime, although four ministries, including national security, were awarded to the right-wing extremists in recognition of their crucial role in ousting Yanukovych. (Ukraine's"Dr. Strangelove" Reality By Robert Parry) 

BBC Newsnight's Gabriel Gatehouse investigates the links between the new Ukrainian government and Neo-nazis

America’s Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev. Towards a Scenario of Military Escalation?

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky


The US-NATO sponsored Kiev coalition government is responsible for the killings perpetrated by Neo-Nazi Right Sector mobs and security forces in Odessa in which at least 43 people were killed. 
In Odessa, Right Sector thugs set fire to the city’s Trade Union building leading to countless deaths of innocent civilians who were burnt alive within the building which had been set ablaze.
“Such actions are reminiscent of the crimes of the Nazis,” said Russia’s Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin.
The “international community” has turned a blind eye, the Western media has described the Neo-Nazi Brown shirts as “freedom fighters”. In the words of Eric Sommers:
“May 2, 2014 -  the date that fascist forces supported by the U.S. government attacked and murdered helpless civilians in the Ukraine – is a day which will live in infamy”. 
In recent developments, Obama has granted full support to the crackdown on so-called “pro-Russian” activists. This movement against America’s fascist regime in Kiev is widespread. It is not limited to “ethnic Russians” as conveyed by the media. The leaders of this movement are Ukrainians.
The Neo-Nazi mobs bear the hallmarks of  US sponsored terrorism (e.g Syria) trained to commit atrocities against civilians.  America’s Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Confirmed by Germany’s Bild: “Dozens of specialists from the US Central Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation are advising the Ukrainian government”
“Citing unnamed German security sources, Bild am Sonntag said the CIA and FBI agents were helping Kiev end the rebellion in the east of Ukraine and set up a functioning security structure.”
The killings of civilians in Eastern and South Eastern Ukraine by Neo-Nazi mobs and members of the civilian militia opens up the possibility of a broader conflict within Ukraine, which could potentially lead to escalation. Moreover, prevailing divisions within Ukraine’s  armed forces could lead to military action directed towards unseating the Kiev Neo-Nazi regime. 

Known and documented, escalation is part of a longstanding scenario of military confrontation directed against the Russian Federation.

“The Anti-Terrorist Operation”
The killings are part of the so-called “anti-terrorist operation” initiated by the Kiev government with the support of the Pentagon.
The “anti-terrorist operation” is coordinated by the National Security and National Defense Committee (RNBOU). (Рада національної безпеки Ñ– оборони України), which is controlled by Svoboda and Right Sector. Dmytro Yarosh, Neo-Nazi leader of the Right Sector delegation in the parliament, oversees the National Guard, a loyal civilian militia created in March with the support of Western military advisers. Paramilitary training of the National Guard commenced in mid-March, north of Kiev.
While the media has presented the crisis as a confrontation between “pro-Russian” and “Ukrainian nationalists”, the grassroots movement in Eastern Ukraine has widespread support. It is largely directed against the Neo-Nazi Kiev regime supported by the West.
The National Guard
In the wake of the Coup, divisions have emerged within Ukraine’s regular military forces and police, which “can not be trusted” in carrying out an “anti-terrorist operation” on behalf of the Kiev regime directed against civilians:
Concerns over the loyalty of the Ukrainian army and security agencies have pushed Kiev to start forming an additional armed branch, which it will fully control.
The National Guard is designed to be 60,000-strong and completely independent from the country’s military and police.
Recruitment across Ukraine began on March 13, with around 20,000 people already joining the new uniformed service. RT
In eastern Ukraine, the National Guard has been given the mandate to “reinforce regular military units defending against a feared Russian invasion… it it is intended to act as a counterinsurgency force.”
Members of this civilian militia operating alongside Neo-Nazi mobs have been set loose in Eastern Ukraine and Odessa.
Right Sector can be identified by its members openly wearing Nazi insignia, as well as carrying crimson and black banners. Mobs supporting the Svoboda party are also present among recent clashes, wearing yellow armbands with the Nazi wolfangel symbol upon them. Odessa Massacre Pushes Ukraine to the Edge. Towards a Larger Destructive Conflict? By Tony Cartalucci, May 03, 2014
The actions of the National Guard are coordinated by the RNBOU. In turn, the riot police and units of the armed forces are also overseen by RBOU, which is controlled by the two Neo-Nazi parties.
These killings of civilians are part of a carefully planned military agenda involving both the National Guard as well organized armed Neo-Nazi mobs, casually described by the media as pro-Ukrainian activists. These are the foot soldiers of the Western military alliance.  The Odessa killings bear the fingerprints of a US-NATO led intelligence operation, with both National Guard and Right Sector militants trained in paramilitary combat skills including the killings of innocent civilians.
Ironically, the Israeli media, while largely supporting the Kiev regime, has tacitly acknowledged that the threat of civil war emanates from the Neo-Nazi elements within the government: “Neo-Nazi Militia Leader Threatens ‘Civil War’” according to Israel National News.
Meanwhile, NATO has scheduled military exercises in Poland “as part of NATO reassurance measures in response to the Ukraine crisis”.
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has pointed to an extensive and unprecedented buildup of NATO forces within proximity of Russia’s  borders.

"Right Sector" shot civilians in Mariupol

 On May 9th, 2014 illegitimate Kiev government sent troops of the "Rights Sector" to the city of Mariupol in order to suppress the protests of residents of South-Eastern regions of Ukraine. Militants shot civilians. Note that the local people are not armed. People are also outraged about the presence of the militants. They shout them "Fascists!". It is these citizens Kiev illegal government calls "pro-Russian separatists and terrorists". It is against these unarmed people it holds so called "anti-terrorist operation"

video 1:

video 2:

(blogger experienced some technical problems when attempted to insert video)

Odessa city: the truth that is to be hidden


Today we can confidently conclude that the punitive operation in Odessa city was planned by Kiev government under the guidance of the CIA and implemented inadequate thugs of the «Right sector», which brutally cracked down on seeking shelter in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa city, and then burned their bodies to hide the traces of the crime.
Goal of planned provocation is to get Russia to send troops to the area of Ukraine and because of this to accuse Russia in inciting war.
However, the script has failed because the 'Dogs', as called scum of «the Right sector») in their hellish hate crossed all boundaries, surpassing in cruelty even their grandfathers — scavengers in the SS division «Galicia».
In this post is collected evidences, which will not be able to refute the hangers-on of the Kiev government, simply because it's real true.

This post was the first sign that on the info front the next day after the bloody crimes by «Right sector» and Kiev government have turned an episode of reisinformatie order to hide the traces of the crime:

It tells about a mythical Pro-Russian column, armed with firearms (including PP. Ultrasound!) and dressed exactly as «Right» sector in new helmets, shields and armor. There is only one big BUT. Never in this way, the representatives of self-defense do not dressed and had no experience in combat formations, which «Right sector» has. Helmets, truncheons and shields, a combat operation — all this is associated in people exclusively with trained militants from the «Right sector».

The most important is — the Directors of this massacre (obviously, the experts at the CIA) do not differ particularly mind as performers, so they put a bandage made of red tape in the hands of the key protagonists,who know their role:

Note the age of this column militants. It is solely the youth. The same zombie Ukrainian youth, from which Americans gathered the «Right sector».

Compare with any photos of mass concentration of supporters of federalization is the average age there is much higher.For example, a photo from Lugansk city, before the seizure of the Building of the security service of Ukraine:

Attention! Some of «Right sector» not only did not wear the St.George ribbons but also have kept on their clothesthe Maydan's symbols:

Here is another typical example:

For comparison, the same column of the Right sector", the twins:

Following is obvious. After the arrival of the Vice-President of the USA D.Bajden in Kiev, the boss of punitive operations was assigned the head of the SBU V.Nalivajchenko, a part — time CIA agent. Nalyvaychenko was one of the founders of the «Right sector», and therefore the curator of the 'RS' from the CIA.

The States have obtusely their inability to accuse Russia in the internal interference,cause no evidence mythical presence «of GRU» were found.
So they decided to kill two birds with one fell swoop — cover punitive military operation in Kramatorsk, Slavyansk and other cities of the South-East, and to cater for the mass murder of Odessa, to provoke Russia to the troops.Thus they have substituted Kiev government and vipers of the «Right sector» under the people's anger. Because of the slained and burned alive people, they will never be forgiven.

Hiding behind the militant from the 'Right Sector' (camouflaged with St. George ribbon to stage the "separatists' attack")  is  Deputy commander of militia of Odessa Dmitry Fuchedzhi.

And here we can see the militants from the 'Right Sector', marked by red ribbons, receive instructions from crooked cops:

Here is well-known centurion of Maidan Mikola, which reported to Avakov about the course of the special operation, and then fired at people who tried to escape from the House of trade Unions:

And below he is guarded by policemen, guarding the car with guns for the 'Right Sector':

On the video below he is shooting at people who is trying to escape:

Young Ukrainian girls gather Molotov cocktails, which will cause the death of Odessa people:

The next, the 'Right sector" by mask of the "Pro-Russian' activists is attacking the football fans to create aggression.
As in the case with snipers on the Maidan, when from the roofs «snipers» shoots at 'their' people especialment for making the crowd to be mad and arranged with the slaughter.

The next the worst is happening. A group of the 'Right Sector' that received the keys of the House of trade Unions from local authorities, take it and prepares to meet activists of defense (who gathered signatures for a referendum in tents) for the massacre.

Then the main group of Dogs is sent on Kulikovo field, where raiding the camp and drive the people into a trap. Inside the building, they are waiting by bastards from «the Right sector», which kill them with shots to the head, women raped, and then burn them alive, the carcass of charred corpses fire extinguishers, for do not burn themselves.

Every Ukrainian who doubted, where the truth and where the false, now stood on the side of self-defense. Because the victims were relatives and friends. And they will never forgive this fell from the «Right sector», their managers from Kyiv and owners of USA actions.

And no one will forgive.
We will never forget and we will never forgive...
P.S. This article is translated by blog readers. It's original version in russian: